Welcome to the Storing Treasures Community

Your Personality Trait Meaning

Learning Center

The Learning Center is designed to help you with education focused on your own unique style.  Each section contains a video that is about 20 minutes long and a powerpoint.  You can also download portions of the workbook for this section, questions, and fill in the blank pages that you can print off as you watch the video.

Education Sessions

Pyramid Priority Plan and Spending Plan


  • Plan ahead by viewing your daily balance
  • Enter your beginning bank balance, expenses, and deposits
  • Categorize your expenses for a quick view of your spending by day
  • Receive email and text reminders

Your Tool Box

The toolbox is designed as a practical application to the Learning Center videos. Access the sessions below after you have watched the accompanying video. Some of the information entered in earlier toolbox sessions will be moved over to your spending plan so you do not need to enter it twice.

Values and Interference

You need to be logged in to access this link.

Debt Reduction Plan

Determine Your Net Worth

You need to be logged in to access this link.

Paycheck Analyzer

Smart Goals

Spending and Analysis Worksheet

Spending Plan

Your Contact Hub

Contact with
financial questions

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Upcoming Events and Bulletin Board

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Your Financial Blog

The Power of Your Financial Personality

We all know how important an engine is for a winning race car. A successful racing team understands what’s under the hood of their car and how to make it perform to the highest level.  In the same way, it is important we understand our own ‘financial’ engine and how...

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Taking the Plunge

There was an interesting article in 2013 from Steven Pressfield called “Poof Goes the Middle Class”. It is just as applicable today given our Covid experiences and “The Great Resignation” occurring in many industries. Here is an interesting excerpt.  “People are...

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